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Journal Articles 


​​Alrawi, A. (2024). Hopeless Waiting and Apprehension of Missing Out: Evidence from Rural Iraq about the Cellular Broadband Policy Challenges.  Journal of Information Policy.


Alrawi, A. (2024). Blocking Faith: How American Muslims are Chilled through the New Anti-Statues and the Security Agencies’ Surveillance in the Era of the Digital Policing. Touru Law Review. 


Troy, C.; Buckley, C.; Alrawi A.; Kim, N.; Vafeiadis, M.; Overton, H. (2024). The Role of CSR in Promoting New Policy Reforms Regarding LGBTQ+ Issues. Journal of Public Relations Review.


Yuo, A., Min; R. Davis, D.; Zho, A.; Mitson, R.; Alrawi, A. (2024). Public Relations Meets Artificial Intelligence: Assessing Utilization and Outcomes. Journal of Public Relations Research.


Alrawi, A. (2023). Immigrants Are Not Felons: Legal Analysis of Immigrants' Civil Rights Chilling Effect Issues Caused by ICE's SmartLink App Surveillance.  Journal of Information Policy.


Alrawi, A. (forthcoming). Rural Broadband Challenges in Iraq: An Examination of the Intersection Between Rural Broadband Policy Issues and Rural Iraqi Communities' Experience Waiting for Fixed Broadband Connections. International Journal of Communication.


Alrawi, A., Oz, Mustafa (under review). AI-Driven Digital Wellness: Emotional and Religious Support in Muslim Prayer Apps. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR).


Alrawi, A., Oz, Mustafa (under review). Mapping Behavioral Responses: American Muslims’ Reactions to Algorithmic Profiling in Prayer Apps. Journal of Media Law and Ethics.


Alrawi, A., Oz, Mustafa (under review). Navigating Identity Threats in Online Spaces: The Impact on Marginalized Identities and Political Engagement. New Media & Society.


Alrawi, A. (under review). How Much Will You Share? Exploring Information Privacy Concerns, Information-Sharing, and Perceived Control of Information. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies Journal.


Alrawi, A. (under review). Bridging the Digital Chasm: Unraveling Broadband Policy Challenges in Southeastern Turkey's Fault Line Region. Telematics and Informatics.


Alrawi, A.; Jeong, D.; Guo, J.; Christopher, A. (under review). “It’s all the same to me”:

Consumer perceptions of 5G in China, South Korea, and the United States. Submitted to Telecommunication Policy.


Wang, R.; Forde, S., Alrawi, A.; Solis, E.; Jayakar, K. (under review). National domain name arbitration regimes: Convergence or divergence? Submitted to Telecommunication Policy Journal.

Book Reviews 

Alrawi, A. (2023). Review of New Authoritarian Practices in the Middle East and North Africa. Surveillance & Society.


Alrawi, A. (2022). Review of Fixing Stories: Local Newsmaking and International Media in Turkey and Syria., by Noah Amir Arjomand. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.


Alrawi, A. (2022). Review of The Future of Digital Surveillance: Why Digital Monitoring Will Never Lose Its Appeal in a World of Algorithm-Driven AI. Surveillance & Society.


 Alrawi, A.(2022).  Review of American Propaganda from the Spanish-American War to Iraq: War Stories, by   Stephen R. Brydon. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.


 Alrawi, A. (2021). Review of Media and Mapping Practices in the Middle East and North Africa: Producing Space, by Alena Strohmaier and Angela Krewani. Mass Communication and Society.


 Digital Dreams, Broken Promises: Rural Iraq’s Broadband Crisis. MIT Press [Proposal in formation]

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